International Thespian Society

The Thespian Pledge

"I promise to uphold the aims and ideals of the International Thespian Society. I am a student of the theatre and excellence is my ideal. I promise to perform my part as well as I can; to cooperate with my fellow Thespians and work for the good of the troupe; and to share my love of theater."

Support ITS at our Valentines Day Cabaret: Me + You!

February 21st at 7pm in the auditorium. Get your TIX HERE !!

Congratulations to our 2025 Inductees!

Photo Credit: East 26 Creative

Congratulations to all our Virginia Thespian Festival Thespy Superior ratings!

VTF Showcase Highlights

See the whole album here

Photo Credit: East 26 Creative

ITS Troupe #4709 presents

A Charlie Brown Christmas

December 19th & 20th, 2025

Directed by Reese HeitTman

Produced by Lily Ingraham

Photos by Josef Garcia

Liam Birch as Snoopy

Lucy Ishaq as Lucy & 

Isaac Garcia as Schroeder

Zachary Masefield as Linus

Our 2024-2025 Officers

Hadley Smith


"Hi! My name is Hadley Smith and I am a senior, and I will be this years ITS President! In the past, I have been involved in every mainstage production at South Lakes since my freshman year! As the president I am really excited to kick off the year with the ice cream social, along with co-leading the cabarets! I can't wait to see what this year has in store!"

Lily Ingraham

Vice President

"Hi! My name is Lily Ingraham, I am a junior, and I will be the ITS Vice President! I have been in the past four shows at South Lakes, as well as been involved in various cabarets and one acts. Next year I am so excited to plan the cabarets and meet the new faces coming to South Lakes Theatre."

Max Schnabel


"Hello, my name is Max Schnabel and I am a senior at South Lakes High School. I am the Secretary of the ITS board at South Lakes. My sophomore year I found theatre as my home and community and have been attached ever since. I am very excited to run the inductions of the future society, to pave a path of excellence before I leave."

Logan Lin


"Hi! My name is Logan and I am a junior at South Lakes! I am so excited to join the ITS board as the Historian. In the past 2 years I have been involved in all of the shows and this year I was the technical lead of hair and makeup in the play and the lead of costumes for the musical. I can’t wait to connect the theatre community and see all of the art created this year!"

Itsuko Scoville

Social Media Manager

"Hey! My name is Itsuko and I'm a senior at South Lakes! I can't wait to join the executive board as your Social Media Manager for my second consecutive year. I've been involved in all mainstage shows since my freshman year and cannot WAIT to spend my final year with you all.  I'm so excited to get started on making fun content for our season!"

Tomas Bocock

Tech Liason

"Hello, My name is Tomas and I am a senior at South Lakes High School! I am so excited to join the ITS board as Tech liaison. I have been involved in tech theatre since my freshman year, and I’m excited for another great year of creating art with my friends. I can’t wait to implement more tech into all of our ITS events this school year!" 

Iman Hassan

Lead Cappies Critic/VTF Liason

"Hello! I’m Iman Hassan, a senior and the Lead Cappie Critic/VTF Coordinator for the 24-25 school year! In the past three years, I’ve acted, student directed, house managed, and was a part of tech. I’ve also been a published cappie critic and inspired me to be the lead cappie critic for this year! The two things I’m looking forward to the most is planning and executing fundraising events and leading our critics for a successful year!"

Liam Birch

Community Outreach Coordinator

"Hi I’m Liam Birch! I am in 11th Grade and am the Community Outreach Coordinator for ITS this year! I have been a part of Peter and the Starcatcher, Bright Star, Sleepy Hollow, and Big fish. I can’t wait to start next years theatre season and meet all new people!"

Olivia Daugherty

Improv Club Liason

"Hi, my name is Olivia Daugherty and I’m in the 11th grade I am the Improv Club Liaison. In my past years, I have been an active member of the Improv Club, I was in The Legend of Sleepy Hollow as one of the students and I was a part of the Ashton Ensemble in Big Fish, and I was The Child in Drumtaps’ for VHSL. I am looking forward to build a bond and community with other students of the theater department and to be the head of the Improv club."

Eliana Redford

Asst. Social Media Manager 

"Hello, I am Eliana Redford (class of 25’) and an Assistant Social Media Manager! I’ve been a part of the past two MainStage plays and played an ensemble role in Big Fish for the spring 24’ musical! I am so excited to get to know everyone and make the 2024-2025 school year as amazing as possible!"

Sitina Tochterman

Asst. Social Media Manager

"Hi I’m Sitina, a junior at South Lakes and I am one of the Assistant Social Media Managers for ITS! I have been in four mainstage shows since my freshman year and I'm so excited for our upcoming performances and to make memories with all of my friends. Can't wait to start working!"

Izzy Philippe

Asst. Tech Liason

"Hey! I’m Izzy and I am a junior this year. I am also the 24-25 ITS Assistant Technical Liaison. Since joining South Lakes I have been technically involved in all of the shows, including this year when I was the Lead Puppet Designer in the Fall Play and the Lead of Hair and Makeup Artist and Designer for the Spring Musical. I can’t wait to see what technical challenges the 24-25 school year brings, and how we can involve more students technically."